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Chin Chao Color Blocks

A cabinet with five different colored blocks which are impaled by a solid brass rod is displayed. The brass rod is removed and the performer allows the five colored blocks to tumble out. One color is freely selected by the spectator and all the blocks are placed back into the cabinet and the lid is then closed. The brass rod is reinserted through the cabinet, impaling the blocks and again locking them inside the cabinet. While the blocks are still visible through the holes on the lid, the performer slowly opens the bottom of the cabinet and the blocks visibly penetrate through the brass rod and fall onto the table leaving only the selected colored block remains on the rod!

The block, brass rod, and cabinet can be thoroughly examined before, during and after the effect.

The cabinet measures approximately 16 cms wide x 8.5 cms deep and stands 6.5 cms high the rod in its own sheath is 16 cms in length and made of brass with teak wood handles.

Finished in the finest possible coating with hand polishing and sanding in between.
